既然是重新熟悉 Spark,不免俗的要來試著自己寫寫 Spark application,以前都是寫 Scala,但我想現在寫 Python 的人佔大宗所以之後就用 pyspark 來寫 application 吧!
首先來準備一下環境,Spark 可 run 在 Python 3.8 後的版本,
Spark runs on Java 8/11/17, Scala 2.12/2.13, Python 3.8+
所以我用 conda 建了個 Python 3.12 的環境,然後安裝 pyspark,
conda create -n spark-cluster python=3.12
conda activate spark-cluster
pip install pyspark==3.5.4 matplotlib==3.10.0 pandas==2.2.3
然後建一個有以下目錄結構的 python project
今天這個 application 是用 MovieLens 的資料來做一下電影評分統計,資料我們用 recommended for new research,這份資料的電影評分數有 32,000,205 筆,

你也可以直接點這個 連結 下載,
下載完成後,在 data/input/
這個資料夾 unzip,完成後如下圖。

首先用以下程式建立一個 spark session,
import os
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import avg, count, round, col, lit
import time
def init():
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
return spark
取得 spark session 後,再來可以用以下程式讀取 MovieLens CSV 然後 show 幾筆看一下,
spark = init()
ratings_file = os.path.join(DATA_INPUT_PATH, "ratings_sample.csv")
rating_df = spark.read.option("header", True).csv(ratings_file)
| 1| 17| 4.0|944249077|
| 1| 25| 1.0|944250228|
| 1| 29| 2.0|943230976|
| 1| 30| 5.0|944249077|
| 1| 32| 5.0|943228858|
| 1| 34| 2.0|943228491|
| 1| 36| 1.0|944249008|
| 1| 80| 5.0|944248943|
| 1| 110| 3.0|943231119|
| 1| 111| 5.0|944249008|
| 1| 161| 1.0|943231162|
| 1| 166| 5.0|943228442|
| 1| 176| 4.0|944079496|
| 1| 223| 3.0|944082810|
| 1| 232| 5.0|943228442|
| 1| 260| 5.0|943228696|
| 1| 302| 4.0|944253272|
| 1| 306| 5.0|944248888|
| 1| 307| 5.0|944253207|
| 1| 322| 4.0|944053801|
only showing top 20 rows
再來可以用 movieId
average_rating = rating_df.groupBy("movieId").agg(round(avg("rating"), 1).alias("average_rating"))
| 1090| 3.9|
| 296| 4.2|
| 3210| 3.7|
| 2294| 3.2|
| 88140| 3.5|
| 158813| 3.0|
| 48738| 3.8|
| 115713| 4.0|
| 829| 2.7|
| 2088| 2.6|
| 3606| 3.9|
| 5325| 3.7|
| 89864| 3.7|
| 2162| 2.5|
| 3959| 3.7|
| 2069| 3.8|
| 85022| 2.7|
| 2136| 2.8|
| 27317| 3.6|
| 4821| 3.2|
only showing top 20 rows
接下來我們可以把 movie 的資訊 join 回去,
joined_df = average_rating.join(movie_df, on="movieId") \
.orderBy(col("average_rating").desc(), col("title").asc())
|movieId|average_rating| title| genres|
| 160513| 5.0|$uperthief: Insid...|(no genres listed)|
| 268482| 5.0|'Tis the Season t...| Comedy|Romance|
| 290978| 5.0| 1 Message (2011)| Drama|
| 183647| 5.0|11 September Vrag...| Documentary|
| 266682| 5.0|12 Dog Days Till ...| Children|
| 291268| 5.0| 1500 Steps (2014)| Drama|
| 225429| 5.0|1964: Brazil Betw...| Documentary|
| 180409| 5.0|1984 Revolution (...| Documentary|
| 143422| 5.0| 2 (2007)| Drama|
| 224445| 5.0|2 Years of Love (...| Comedy|Romance|
| 260057| 5.0|24 Hour Comic (2017)| Documentary|
| 200086| 5.0|2BPerfectlyHonest...|(no genres listed)|
| 176709| 5.0| 2nd Serve (2013)| Comedy|Drama|
| 137329| 5.0| 3 of a Kind (2012)|(no genres listed)|
| 137313| 5.0| 37 (2014)|(no genres listed)|
| 253946| 5.0| 48 Below (2012)| Adventure|
| 137805| 5.0|5 Hour Friends (2...|(no genres listed)|
| 188925| 5.0|8 Murders a Day (...|(no genres listed)|
| 170429| 5.0|9 Dalmuir West (1...| Documentary|
| 137849| 5.0| 9 Full Moons (2013)| Romance|
only showing top 20 rows
total = average_rating.count()
move_rating_count = average_rating.groupBy("average_rating").agg(count("*").alias("count_movies")) \
.withColumn("percentage", round((col("count_movies") / lit(total)) * 100, 2)) \
.orderBy("average_rating", ascending=False)
| 5.0| 1445| 1.71|
| 4.9| 2| 0.0|
| 4.8| 72| 0.09|
| 4.7| 26| 0.03|
| 4.6| 8| 0.01|
| 4.5| 974| 1.15|
| 4.4| 57| 0.07|
| 4.3| 563| 0.67|
| 4.2| 283| 0.34|
| 4.1| 425| 0.5|
| 4.0| 3736| 4.42|
| 3.9| 1286| 1.52|
| 3.8| 3228| 3.82|
| 3.7| 2700| 3.2|
| 3.6| 3152| 3.73|
| 3.5| 8040| 9.52|
| 3.4| 3668| 4.34|
| 3.3| 5819| 6.89|
| 3.2| 3822| 4.53|
| 3.1| 3554| 4.21|
最後可以用 matplotlib 來畫張圖看會比較有感,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
move_rating_count.toPandas().plot.line(x='average_rating', y='percentage', xticks=np.arange(0.5, 5, step=0.5))

看起來大多數的電影評分都是落在 3~4 之間 XDD
import os
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import avg, count, round, col, lit
WORKER_DIR = os.getenv("SPARK_WORKER_DIR", "")
DATA_INPUT_PATH = os.path.join(WORKER_DIR, "data/input")
DATA_OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join(WORKER_DIR, "data/output")
def init():
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
return spark
def main():
start = time.time_ns()
spark = init()
ratings_file = os.path.join(DATA_INPUT_PATH, "ratings.csv")
movies_file = os.path.join(DATA_INPUT_PATH, "movies.csv")
rating_df = spark.read.option("header", True).csv(ratings_file)
movie_df = spark.read.option("header", True).csv(movies_file)
average_rating = rating_df.groupBy("movieId").agg(round(avg("rating"), 1).alias("average_rating"))
joined_df = average_rating.join(movie_df, on="movieId") \
.orderBy(col("average_rating").desc(), col("title").asc())
# .withColumn("percentage", concat(round((col("count_movies") / lit(total)) * 100, 2).cast("string"), lit("%"))) \
total = average_rating.count()
move_rating_count = average_rating.groupBy("average_rating").agg(count("*").alias("count_movies")) \
.withColumn("percentage", round((col("count_movies") / lit(total)) * 100, 2)) \
.orderBy("average_rating", ascending=False)
csv_output_path = os.path.join(DATA_OUTPUT_PATH, "move_rating_count")
end = time.time_ns()
print(f"Execution time: {(end - start) / 1000000000} seconds")
def generate_chart(df):
df.plot.line(x='average_rating', y='percentage', xticks=np.arange(0.5, 5, step=0.5))
plot_output_path = os.path.join(DATA_OUTPUT_PATH, "move_rating_count_plot.png")
if __name__ == '__main__':
今天這篇文主要是呈現如何在 local 端跑 Spark 程式,沒有對 spark function 做太多著墨,
其實以上這些分析用 pandas 也做的到,但是如果我們把資料在放大個數倍的話,就勢必需要一個分散式計算框架來做分析了,這也是 Spark 可以幫到我們的地方。